“Welcome to Road Experience Company Limited”

Who We Are?

Headquartered in Hat Yai, founded in 2009, Road Experience Co., Ltd. is an officially recognized and registered teacher recruitment agency in Thailand — Business Number (BN) 0903553002818.

Road Experience, formerly the International Volunteer Community Association or IVCA, rose from humble beginnings as a community-minded volunteer organization. Focused largely on educational and agricultural projects such as forest and mangrove conservation, as time went by we noticed more and more volunteers expressing their desire to stay longer in Thailand and lend a helping hand on a full-time bases.

Following a growing demand, the team set out to expand its reach on our community by encompassing English teaching.

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Why the name Road Experience?

[cms_heading text=”” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:39px|color:%23ffffff” letter_spacing=”50″ use_theme_fonts=”” google_fonts=”font_family:Roboto%20Slab%3A100%2C300%2Cregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” add_icon=”” st_text=”We believe wholeheartedly that people discover so much more about themselves and the world around them when on the road. Education doesn’t stop at school. Step away from your comfort zone and widen your horizons. Traveling is one of, if not, the best way to broaden your outlook on life and its possibilities. This is what makes us who we are today. This is what makes us Road Experience.” st_font_container=”tag:h5|font_size:20|color:%23ffffff”]

Our Duty

  • Give Thai schools an opportunity to have native English speakers educate their students by providing them with qualified teachers.
  • Give native English speakers an opportunity to travel abroad while gaining professional experience by pairing them with ideal teaching placements.
  • Prepare our teachers for what to expect regarding Thai culture, Thai lifestyle, and teaching expectations here in Thailand by providing them with all the information they need.


Our Mission

To produce qualified teachers who fully understand Thai culture and the Thai educational system, to place these teachers at the many appendant schools we have within our network throughout Thailand, and to assist these teachers every step along the way with integrity.

Together we can do so much.

As one of most esteemed and renowned recruitment agencies in Thailand today, we are interested in developing partnerships with like-minded people and organizations who are attracted to the projects and charity work we offer.

If you share the same vision as we do, see this as an opportunity to expand your network, and want a meaningful, long-lasting, and mutually cooperative business relationship with a top company, we welcome such arrangements with open arms.

Hope to see you soon!
